

An Orbital host is a computer or device that runs an Orbital node and is monitored by the node.

live query

A Live Query is a live query that must be answered immediately by Orbital Nodes that are online and idle. Live queries are typically fast but do not wait for nodes to come online.


An orbital node is a process running on a host, which can execute jobs sent from the Orbital service and report the results.


See live query.


A question against your endpoint database, posed in the syntax of SQL. Queries can be live (live), or scheduled. There are also canned queries available in the Query Catalog.

scheduled query

A Scheduled Query is a query that will be answered when an Orbital Node comes online and is available. Scheduled queries take longer, but can wait until for nodes that are busy or offline.


The Orbital Service is a cloud application that manages Orbital nodes, scheduling jobs, and communicating results.

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